The Little Mermaid vs. Big Bob
The weird news story of the week: Big Robert! Apparently, a giant (60m / 200 ft) statue is being donated to Copenhagen. It will stand out in Copenhagen harbor ("København Havn" - I just like they way that sounds) and be visible from Sweden. No word on whether visitors will be able to walk up into its head for a good view of the city.
In baby news.... We went to the ultrasound on Monday. I've found that as life goes on there are milestones which appear mysterious or intimidating, but after they're past become another experience which never play out like I envisioned. It's not that things are better or worse, just different. I'm not sure whether it is because of my expectations or my lack of information. The ultrasound was one of those experiences (others might be: flying in an airplane, going to college, getting a job, getting married, buying a house, selling a house, moving). I didn't know what to expect at the ultrasound, and I didn't think of what I would do in the event something was found to be wrong. Fortunately, everything is in the normal range and all the parts were in the right place.
On Saturday I was lucky enough to get lots of unplanned extracise (i.e. exercise performed in the process of doing something you were going to do anyway). About half way to Danish class I got a flat tire on my bike. I locked it up and walked on to class arriving about 5 minutes late. Alexa went on ahead and told the teacher I would be late. It turned out that the teacher's bike chain had broken on the way to class and she ended up taking the train. During lunch I bought a tire tube and after class I walked home (45 minutes), picking up the bike on the way and repairing it when I got home. Fortunately the weather was especially nice - on a weekend, no less! Later I rode over to cat-sit and then we did another bike trip to go see SiCKO. On SiCKO, I highly recommend it. If it's propaganda, then it's only fair that we get the alternative to the normal propaganda we're exposed to. Also, I can vouch for the material about the European healthcare systems. There are differences between the British / French (described in the movie), and Danish systems, but many things they have in common.
My last observation of the week is that I looked around at our weekly breakfast meeting last tuesday and everyone (20+ men) but me was wearing black shoes. I havn't heard any rules against wearing brown shoes, and I wouldn't expect there to be any, but for some reason it's not common. I was happy to see someone later in the week in the cafeteria with brown shoes, so it's not just me.
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