Wednesday, June 03, 2009

First day of school

Our big milestone this week is Anya's start at day care. She has had lots of fun, but has not yet stayed for the entire day. When she's acclimated, we plan to drop her off at 8AM and pick her up at 3PM. Up to now, she's only gone for the morning. The staff has been excellent with Anya and the other children.

One of Anya's favorite activites is watching the garbage truck (pictured) which comes once or twice a week. The system here is that we throw out combustible waste into a metal tube. The truck comes by periodically to suck out the garbage from our apartment block and take it off to the waste incineration plants. The waste heat from those plants is returned to us in the form of hot water and heating (link1, link2). Anyway, Anya is much more interested in cars and trucks than dolls, and this is a big, noisy truck. She also likes playing ball, but only if there isn't a car or truck within reach.

Friday (Constitution Day) was the last public holiday (½ day off) until Christmas Eve.

In other news, last week marked the third anniversery of our move to Denmark. We also received notice that our residency/work permit extension was approved, so we'll be staying longer.



At 11 July, 2009 04:26, Blogger Unknown said...

Glad to hear you got extended. Our best to everyone!

At 16 July, 2009 21:58, Blogger hoo said...

Anya got her residency permit, too. The letter came and said she was also permitted to work in the country. I've heard of child labor, but this is crazy!


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