Our life in Denmark. We moved to Copenhagen June 2006. This is our way of sharing our experience with friends and family.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
"Goin' to Loosiana"
As before, starting with a cat. Sammie was a little jealous of Kevin's publicity, so she wanted to share her enthusiasm for her new home, buy being photographed with the Danish flag and some very small dalmations. Sammie is having a bit of a hard time. Kevin has taken advantage of the move and the new territory to assert his dominance in addition to showing a bit of attitude now and then. Sammie (as you may be able to tell in this picture) is not happy about the situation. These debates usually occur around 2:00AM.
Today's trip was to Louisiana. This is the main museum of modern art in Denmark, located on the coast about 40 minutes north of Copenhagen. Much of the art was by living artists. There was a large exhibition of videos. My favorite was slow motion film of people (maybe 20+) being doused by a couple of fire hoses. Sounds weird, but (as they say) you had to be there. We just weren't sure how they got a group of people to volunteer for that. The grounds of the museum are the biggest attraction. The museum is on a hill overlooking the Øresund with a view of Sweden across the water. Lots of sailboats were out on the beautiful day. Tomorrow we'll go to the beach.
As of last week, we're official Danish residence. After a bit of a delay, we got our residence permit and registered our address to get our CPR numbers. The CPR number is the magic number that is required for all public services. It means we can go to the library and after a six week waiting period, the doctor. (Don't worry, the company covers us for that time period) The next hurdle is the driver license. As of May, Denmark has made it much more difficult to get a Danish drivers license, now requiring a doctor's certificate and the written and driving tests. The woman at the US embassy told us she was glad she didn't have to do it when we inquired about the new reglations. We'll see how it goes...
Andy and Alexa, what is the significance of the dalmatians alongside Sammie? Sammie, by the way, does look like she's defending her position well against Kevin. Kevin is probably used to that look, as I recall.
Andy and Alexa, what is the significance of the dalmatians alongside Sammie? Sammie, by the way, does look like she's defending her position well against Kevin. Kevin is probably used to that look, as I recall.
The dalmations are a going-away card that good friends (and their dalmations) in Houston gave us.
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