Our life in Denmark. We moved to Copenhagen June 2006. This is our way of sharing our experience with friends and family.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
It seems like I comment a lot on the weather and the light patterns here. I think there's a strong biological and psychological link to the amount of sunlight we get. Now the days are lengthening at their fastest rate, about 4 1/2 minutes of daylight added each day, so we've rapidly moved from mostly dark to pleasantly light soon to go to the manic summer days of excessive daylight. It's nice to come full circle from our arrival last year. I've posted the next week's weather forecast from Denmark's weather service. It was such a nice change to see those suns and the forecast warm(er) temperatures after months of clouds and rain.
Tomorrow we're planning to go to Møns Klint to get out of town and enjoy the nice weather. We also want to scout it our for our guests visiting this spring.
In other news, The Olsen Band is being produced as a musical. Hopefully we can learn enough Danish to enjoy it when it hits the stage. Otherwise we can watch more of the old films.
Definitely a bio/psych link to amounts of day light.
They call it "summer time" here, but it's the same routine, except it went into effect three weeks later than in the US this year.
Well written article.
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