Sunday, January 21, 2007

I Dreamed

In our choir we're singing Danish, Swedish, and English pieces. It's been fun to learn and read some of the Danish poetry as we're learning the Danish language. It's also an insight into the culture. Many, like the sample below contain references to nature and the Danish countryside. We look forward to singing more.

Here's a sample, written by Aage Berntsen (

Jeg Drømte
Jeg drømte i min Ungdom, Kærligheden
var som en Solskinsdag, en Dag i Maj,
hvor under Himlens rene Blå vi vandred
hen ad en hvid og vårlig Blomstervej

jeg drømte i min Ungdom, Kærligheden
var Foraarsfugles store Jubelkor,
var Sommerhavers stærke Rosenånde
var som en Sang med hede, skønne Ord

Nu ved jeg, ak, nu ved jeg, Kærligheden
er som en Vandring over skarpe Sten,
er som en Vandring mellem mørke Hække,
hvor Rosen dufter bag en tornet Gren

er som en Nat, når Regnens Væld er stilnet,
er som en sølvbleg Sommernat mod Nord,
hvor Hjærtet fyldes tungt af alle Tider
og Nattergalen hulker Sjælens Ord.

(attempt at a translation)

I dreamed

I dreamed in my Youth, Love
Was like a sunny day in May,
Where under Heaven's clear Blue we wandered
down a white and spring-like Flower strewn lane

I dreamed in my Youth, Love
was Spring birds' big happy choir,
was Summer gardens' rose scent,
was like a Song with hot, sweet words.

Now I know, arghh, now I know, Love
is like wandering over sharp stones,
is like wandering between dark hedges,
where the rose fragrance is behind a thorny branch

is like a Night when the Rainfall has stopped,
is like a silver pale Summer night in the North,
where the Heart is filled heavy by all times
and the Nightengale sobs the soul's words.

In other news, we found an option for Danish lessons after our tutor finishes. It a course that a friend recommends that uses a combination of computer and classroom learning to allow for a more flexible schedule. The traditional schools here typically involve about ten hours of class time per week, after work or during the day. Maybe we're wimps, but after a full day of work - three hours of Danish may push us over the edge. Hopefully, we're disciplined enough to do the online training at a good pace. We'll see.

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At 21 January, 2007 20:38, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I read somewhere that foreigners working (living?) in Denmark are required to learn the language. Is that so? do you have to take a test?

At 22 January, 2007 20:06, Blogger hoo said...

To become a citizen, one has to pass a language test. We don't have to, fortunately. People are giventhree years of free lessons to prepare for the test.

At 08 December, 2009 14:45, Anonymous Anonymous said...

behovet for at se:)


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