Sunday, August 09, 2009

Sensommer dage (late summer days)

Summer is passing quickly. Since the last post we had a nice visit with friends Gregg and Linda from Houston. We enjoyed visiting and took in a few sights with them including the Copenhagen Zoo, Frederiksberg Have, Stevns Klint, Køge and Dyrehaven. At Stevns Klint (Klint=Cliff) we saw the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (the surface corresponding to the extinction of the dinosaurs). They saw more on their own (including Odense, Svendborg) when we had to go off to work/vuggestue. Anya very much enjoyed their company as did we adults.

Alexa has started back at work teaching English and Anya continues to enjoy vuggestue. With the vacation season over, her friends are returning as are my coworkers at the office. Many people take 3-week vacations in the summer, so things can really slow down in July and early August when children are out of school.

While the nice weather lasts, we'll be trying to get out as much as possible. Anya enjoys watching people and dogs ("arf, arf") at the parks, seeing the ducks and swans on the lake ("duck, duck") and going for walks along a busy street ("bus, brrrmmmmm!").


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