Sunday, November 12, 2006

Cycling in Denmark

Today we took a trip on our bikes to Lyngby, about 10-11km northwest of Copenhagen. This is where Alexa works her second job and we were giving the route a test-drive. The bike path was very good following the highway most of the way there. There were highway lanes, access road lanes, bike lanes and then the sidewalk. There was also a steady 20mph headwind on the way there, but it helped us on the way back.

It is very nice how cycling is encouraged here. Recently, the city re-timed the lights on a main thoroughfare to allow cyclists to get 11 green lights in a row at an average speed of 20km/hr. Bike paths are nearly everywhere and cars are very aware of bikes. I'm told if a car hits a bike, it's the car's fault, no matter what. That tends to get a driver's attention. It also makes for some pretty aggressiver cyclists, but that's another story.



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