Accents and rhythms
Last weekend we were off to Scotland to attend a wedding. It was a wonderful visit. We had terrific hosts whom Alexa last saw when she visited in 1985. I will post some pictures when I get them back from the photo shop (we forgot the camera...). The only other hitch was that our departure flight from Copenhagen was canceled because of bad weather in Amsterdam where we had a connection. We were re-booked and arrived 4 hours late. Our three days in Scotland included the wedding, a warm, festive affair held in an old manor house; a visit to Robert Burns' birthplace (with a fabulous lunch at the Brig o'Doon hotel, and a visit to the People's Palace in Glasgow. We saw beautiful scenery during our drives through the countryside. The best part of Scotland, however, was the people. It was most enjoyable to talk with our hosts and the guests at the wedding. A side effect of all the talking was that we started picking up hints of the Scottish accent. I know if we stayed there any length of time it would take hold pretty quickly. That would just be icing on the cake for me, since I've been told I had a German accent (by a waiter in central Pennsylvania) and asked what part of England I was from (by a British ex-pat in Denmark).
Back in Denmark we're on cat-sitting duty again and we spent Saturday in an all-day choir rehearsal after going to the first hour of our Danish class. The rehearsal included some new songs and a clinician who taught us an arrangement of an African American spiritual (This Train is Bound for Glory). It wasn't easy, but by the end he had us in the spirit. A quick dinner (3hr 45min - short by Danish standards) followed the rehearsal. In all it was a Danish-filled day and very enjoyable. Today we will soak up more of the beautiful weather with a picnic in Kongens Have followed by Casablanca at the cinema.
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