Spring on the Danish calendar arrives on March 1 each year. No worries about solar equinoxes (equinoxi?) or the first sighting of a migratory bird. This may be one area where Denmark as a society is optimistic. In reality Spring arrives somewhat later and we had a taste of it today. The temperature reached 11C/53F and people were out in droves. We took a walk with Anya in the stroller to the harbor (pictured) and back around the ramparts of
Kastellet. The sun was shining and buds are on the trees. A few short weeks and we'll be able to expect more days like this and warmer. We missed the first day of ice cream season this year. That also arrives on March 1 and, unlike the weather, reliably offers free ice cream at various seasonal establishments.
Moored at the harbor were several British ships. I can't help thinking that people here (if they have any taste for history) may get a nervous tick when these foreign naval vessels visit the port. See
here or
Anya is doing well, has grown to approximately 3.4 kg/7.5 lbs. She is noticeably more active and expressive from week to week. It's fun to watch her grow. I'm back at work now with new perspective of a first-time father. It seems that work is both more important and less important at the same time. More important seen from the role as providing for Anya's future but also less important in the sense of the adage that no one on their deathbed ever expressed the wish that they'd spent more time at the office.

UPDATE - I wrote this post yesterday and the picture to the left illustrates how quickly things deteriorated after a beautiful crisp, clear morning. Note the flags, not nice weather for riding home.
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