Saturday, December 02, 2006


Not much exciting here. I've caught Alexa's cold which she caught from the kindergarten where she teaches. One thing we hadn't anticipated is that being a teacher in a new country opens a person up to a whole new suite of bugs to which we're now building our immunity (the hard way). This is the second episode, not as bad as the first.

On another topic, across the harbor from my office is a cannon which is fired off to mark sunrise and sunset every day. Well, not exactly. Until a few weeks ago it sounded off at 8:00AM and again at sunset. Now that sunrise comes after 8:00AM and sunset gets earlier and earlier, I am left with the suspicion that someday soon they will just merge together to one shot as the sun peaks over the horizon and settles down again. Of course, that won't happen as we're far south of the arctic circle, but it looks like we will be getting down to about 7 hours of daylight by the time of the winter solstice (8:37AM-3:38PM).

Christmas party season continues. Our choir will be holding their party (or Julefrokost) next Saturday. That will include lots of singing, so maybe we can learn some traditional songs. Will keep you posted. Otherwise, we are enjoying the decorations and working up the courage to try out the ice skating track set up in one of the main squares downtown.


At 04 December, 2006 14:41, Blogger Jim C. Hines said...

Hope you both feel better soon...


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