Summer Wrapup
Once again, it's been a while. Now, with a few minutes to kill (Alexa's at a choir rehearsal and Anya is asleep) I can update the blog. Since last time, we've had a visit from Alexa's aunt and uncle, met some friends from Houston, "discovered" a Mexican restaurant, and enjoyed being with Anya - the happy 19+ month old!
With Alexa's aunt and uncle we spent a week at the end of August at a summer home in Marielyst on the island of Falster two hours drive south of Copenhagen. As before, a vacation with Anya seems to fill up the car and then some, so we loaded the car and Alexa, Anya and Alexa's aunt caught a train while Alexa's uncle and I drove down separately with the loaded car. The weather during our week there ranged from terrific to marginal, luckily no days were complete washouts. We stayed close to the beach, so we spent some time enjoying the Baltic sea breeze, playing in the sand and wading in the "it's not THAT cold---" water. Some long early morning walks through the neighborhood and along the beach (thanks to Anya's enhanced vacation early wakeup schedule) gave us the opportunity to see hares and pheasants and not least to get some exercise to burn off the calories from the improvised s'mores. The week away was a nice chance to visit and relax and see a new part of Denmark.
Alexa's aunt and uncle were kind enough to cheer me on in the DHL relay (på dansk her) which takes place every year and can be considered the world's largest running event with over 100,000 participants this year (20,000+ teams of five, each runner runs 5 km) in an event spread over five days. I managed to finish in just under 24 minutes which I hope to improve on next year. Our team was in the top 10 percent of finishers - a surprising result for any team that will take me as a member...
The following week we had a nice, but short, visit from friends from the church we attended in Houston. They were in town visiting relatives and took a couple of hours to visit with us and meet Anya. It was nice to get caught up on news from Houston and to pass along our greetings and good wishes to everyone there.
One of our happiest stories of the past month is that we found a passable Mexican takeaway restaurant. It's not that close (probably a good thing), but for taste and authenticity it's equivalent to an average place in Houston which is good enough for us. A disclaimer - after three years here our standards may have eroded, but it was still good enough for Alexa to want to go a second time.
Labels: Marielyst, Victor Borge