Friday, June 11, 2010

Det var hyggeligt

We've had a very wet "spring" so far in Copenhagen and summer isn't shaping up to be much better. May provided us with slightly more than half of the historical average sunlight hours for that month and nearly twice the rain. June may not be much better. I'm careful not to complain too much - the cooler weather makes it more manageable for Alexa carrying the little one who will arrive in early August. The one memorable burst of summer sunshine started the day after our choir's summer concert and persisted for five days including the birthday party I describe below. That magic could only last so long.

During this mostly rainy period we've enjoyed another burst of social events including a picnic with some nice friends, a lunch outing with a couple other families that we meet with every few months, a 50th birthday party for a friend from work, and Anya's vuggestue's summer party.

The picnic was on a wet, windy Ascension Day. We staked out a spot on the ramparts around Kastellet and put out our spread of food hoping for the clouds to part and provide some sun. Bemused passers-by bid us "velbekomme" as is customary when encountering someone during a meal. For dessert we retreated to our not-yet-unpacked apartment for a little warmth. Det var hyggeligt.

The lunch outing is something we greatly enjoy. We take turns with two other families hosting lunch over the course of the year. This time we met in Allerød on a misty day. We took the train and got Anya to take an early nap in order for her to be "frisk" when we arrived and not have to sleep through the whole lunch. Mommy and Daddy took a long 90 minute walking tour of Allerød. It's always wonderful to be treated to Danish hospitality, and we feel lucky to have made such kind friends during our stay here. We enjoyed a delicious lunch and talked while the girls played. Afterwards we took a walk (the rain had stopped by then). Det var også hyggeligt.

Last weekend we learned what a proper 50th birthday party is like in Denmark. This party was held in a tent under clear blue skies, so my friend is very lucky. We met at his house and introduced ourselves to the guests after getting a "welcome drink." It's customary here to greet everyone present when you arrive, but I'm so bad with names that it's all a bit overwhelming. As we weren't the last to arrive, those that followed us weaved through the group introducing themselves to us and everyone else. The meal followed and was a delicious three course dinner prepared by a friend of the "birthday boy" who happens to be a chef. During the meal people stood up to give speeches and to raise their glass in honor my friend. The speeches (all in Danish) were complimentary and humorous reflections on their past experiences together. At least two of the guests were friends he had known since he was 7 years old. I find that remarkable, but it may be one of the benefits of living in a small country. There was also a song someone had written and we all sang along. All this took place over the course of five hours after which point we had to go home and relieve the babysitter, only after noticing that someone else's watch read 11:30. As we were leaving, the dancing was starting. We were the first to leave and the party went on past 3 a.m. Det var også hyggeligt.

The summer party at Anya's "school" was held indoors due to the rain. We got to visit with some parents and enjoyed watching Anya as the children sang songs. She jumped and did the hand motions as she watched the school leader play the piano. Anya enjoyed the opportunity to go back to "school" in the evening. Det var også hyggeligt.

"Hygge" is something that many Danish tour books talk about. I won't try to describe it, but you can click on the link to read more.



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