Things in Denmark happen on a schedule. Recent examples include the onset of ice cream season and the release of the Easter beer (yes, Easter beer, a.k.a. Påske Øl). We stopped at an ice cream shop on our bike ride home from Charlottenlund Fort. Today was one of the first warmish, sunny days of (not-quite) spring, and the Danes were out in force strolling along the coast and soaking up the sun. Crocuses were blooming, so after a long winter it looks like spring is really on its way.

For the second year in a row, Denmark has made its way into the international news. Last year it was the Mohammed cartoons, this year it is Undgomshuset, "The Youth House." Some pictures here of the riots, tearing down the house, and some of the more peaceful protests. Being a recent arrival here, I can't speak much about the events surrounding this building, but everyone here has an opinion and most that I've heard have been sympathetic to the youth, though not supportive of the violence. On Saturday we took a ride through the neighborhood on our way to our weekly Danish class. We saw graffiti and remnants of fires set in the street to block traffic. We also saw about seven vans of policemen driving through the area, so tensions were still a bit high.
With the improving weather we're riding our bikes more. It's nice to get some exercise while saving time and money that would have been spent on the metro or trains. One weekly trip is to our Danish class, a 25 minute ride at a relaxed pace. On Tuesday we plan to ride to choir practice which is held not far south of our Danish class location. The Danish course is okay, but we realize we were spoiled to have the private tutor for so long. It is nice to meet some other people, though, and learn about what brings them to Copenhagen.
Labels: Charlottenlund, cycling, ungdomshuset